5G Slicing in Standalone Mobile Network -Fulfilment & Assurance

This post relates to my contributions to TMForum IG224 NaaS Transformation Document.

A 5G Network Slice supports communication (and connectivity) services offered by the Production layer (of TMForum’s ODA Framework) using Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) APIs.

Examples of such communication services and fulfilment of the same are described in TMFIG1224 Appendix A.

The communication and connectivity services offered by NaaS are exposed as technology-neutral services to the Core Commerce Layer of ODA.

This means the Information-model of this connectivity service should map TMForums SID model to the RFS models of 3GPP’s NetworkSlice.

The data model requires mapping

  • the communication and connectivity services exposed by NaaS
  • each customer’s or tenant’s use of this connection as a flow within the communication service
  • technology service exposed by 3GPP


Assurance in 5G is dynamic, with various levels of closed loops. The assurance approach and standards are described in TMF IG1224 Appendix A.